What to expect 

  • Initial appointments are usually approximately one hour
  • Follow-up appointments are up to 30 minutes 
  • A longer extended or first or follow-up may be booked for complex medical issues

 at your endocrinology appointment 

  • Explore your current situation and your past medical history. Please bring along any relevant tests and paperwork you may have.
  • Undertake a physical examination. You may need some further tests.
  • Make an initial diagnosis if there is enough information at this stage, and discuss possible treatment options.

At a follow-up appointment your endocrinologist will:
  • Review any changes in your health.
  • Review the results of any tests ordered at the last appointment.
  • Review or commence treatment.

We help train doctors, and so sometimes we may have a trainee doctor with us at your appointment. We will always ask your permission first. You can decline the presence of the trainee doctor either before your consultation or at any time during the consultation. This will have no impact on the medical care offered to you. Trainee doctors are only here to observe – your treatment is always handled by fully qualified medical professionals.
At your first appointment your endocrinologist will:

Trainee doctors may be present

For answers to frequently asked questions in regards to appointments, scripts, cancellations and test results, refer to our FAQs