Media Features

An important part of our work has always been educating and sharing our subspecialty expertise. 

 As well as supervising training colleagues and speaking for small and large groups, we also share knowledge through interviews for film and print media features.

NZ Doctor: Endocrinologist keen to see more women on HRT for miserable menopause symptoms by Zahra Shahtahmasebi interviewing Dr Stella Milsom

O&G Magazine: Polycystic ovarian syndrome by Dr Megan Ogilvie

NZ Herald: Why testosterone might be key to finding women's lost libido by Sharon Stephenson interviewing Dr Megan Ogilvie

Stuff: One Kiwi woman charts her journey into the world of hormone replacement therapy by Sarah Catherall interviewing Dr Megan Ogilvie

Stuff: PMDD: the little-known condition having a big impact on women's mental health by Jehan Casinader interviewing Dr Sasha Nair 

Book: This Changes Everything by Niki Bezzant with featured comments by Dr Megan Ogilvie and Dr Anna Fenton

Book: Don't Sweat It by Nicky Pellegrino with featured comments by Dr Stella Milsom and Dr Sasha Nair

Pharmacy Today: Amid Estradot shortage, cal call to prioritise perimenopause treatments by Natasha Jojoa Burling interviewing Dr Sasha Nair 

A few of our recent media features: