Frequently Asked Questions 

  • To have your question addressed as quickly as possible, see if you can find the answer below.  

 in relation to your medical care and appointments 

  • You need a doctors referral to ensure that we have your current and accurate medical history and any additional information required for your first appointment. 
  • Once the referral has been received, it is reviewed by one of our doctors before we contact you to organize an appointment
  • You will be contacted prior to your appointment to confirm your attendance (usually 2 weeks prior via sms, email, letter or phone call), we ask that you please respond to us within 48 hours.

How do I get repeat prescriptions?
  • Scripts provided during appointments are included in your appointment fee
  • Scripts needed between appointments are not routinely provided as your GP will usually be able to continue scripts between appointments for medications started by your Endocrinologist.
  •  If you would like us to provide your repeat script, please email least a week before you run out of medication. There is a script fee of $40, and remember that the pharmacy will usually charge a $15 for a script provided by a specialist (so it may be cheaper to have scripts from your GP).   
  • As our appointment plans often allow for dose adjustments between appointments, please do specify the medications and doses you require when requesting your script.
  • Summary of how to request a repeat script:  Email and put "repeat script from [your ERH doctors name]" in the subject line.  In the body of the email, specify the medications, dosages and the pharmacy you would like it sent to.  

Do I need a referral and how do I arrange my first appointment?
Should I have tests before my appointment?
  • If your ERH Associates doctor has previously planned tests before your appointment, do have these done. 
  • In all other cases, the need for tests can be discussed during your appointment. 
  • Alternatively, you can ask your usual GP/referring doctor to arrange tests they feel are appropriate based on their assessment. 
  • If you have blood tests in Auckland and scans in the public system in Auckland, we are usually able to access these results during your appointment.  For private imaging please arrange for the reports to be sent to us or bring the report to your appointment.

What about the results of my tests?
  • We usually copy the results of tests to your GP so you will be able to view these results once you arrange access to the online portal “Manage My Health” via your GP practice. 
  • Our usual practice is to contact you if there is an abnormal result that needs prompt attention, otherwise your ERH Associates doctor may add test results to your clinic letter or will discuss the results with you at your next appointment. 
  • If you would particularly like to discuss any results before your next appointment, you can request to book a short telephone appointment.

When will I receive my clinic letter?
  • Our clinical letters can be complex thus the usual turnover time for you and the referring doctor to receive your clinic letter is around 2 weeks; this can take longer if there is a significant administration workload. 
  • There may be an additional waiting time when additional information is required, such as waiting and interpreting lab results and seeking additional specialist opinions, prior to finalising the plans in the letter. 
  • If you need your letter urgently please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate this request.

Where do I get my laboratory and radiology tests done?
  • There is a Labtests close to ERH Assoicates at OneHealth, Remuera Road. Alternatively you can go to your nearest laboratory
  • A fasting test means nothing to eat or drink except water from midnight until the blood test at 8am.
  • X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans and DEXA bone density scan can be done at Astra Radiology on the ground floor of the OneHealth building or at the radiology provider of your choice. 
  • Ideally your future DEXA bone scans should be done on the same machine.

If you can't find what you're looking for below, email our team at:

Late cancellations and cancellation fees
  • We charge a non-attendance or late cancellation/late reschedule of an appointment within 4 working days of a scheduled appointment of 50% charge. 
  •  The fee is to cover the overhead costs and preparation associated with reserving that appointment slot.

If you are considering cancelling or rescheduling less than 4 days prior to your scheduled appointment, please choose from the following options and let us know which you would like to proceed with:

1. Keeping your current appointment time and convert to a video or phone consult (examination can be undertaken if needed at an in-person follow-up appointment).
2. Paying the cancellation fee and booking a new appointment time.
3. Being discharged back to your GP (cancellation applies if the cancellation is less than 4 working days of a scheduled appointment).

Please remember before you cancel your appointment that we do not provide medical advice via phone without an appointment and that we have a long waiting list for appointments. The medical advice email service does not replace the review that takes place in an appointment.

Medical Advice between appointments
  • We aim to provide as much verbal and written information as possible during your consultation. You are also copied into your letter to your GP and referring doctor so that you understand the information provided and sometimes we provide advice to your GP regarding steps that can be taken between appointments.
  • If you need medical advice between appointments you our options are to:
  • a. See your GP: we will have a shared care arrangement with your GP who will continue to be responsible for your overall medical care, and will usually be the first port of call for concerns between appointments. 
  • b. Request an early phone or in-person appointment
  • c. Utilise our medical email service ($55 charge): by emailing your medical question to

What about follow-up appointments
  • For appointments in more than 6 months’ time you will have the option of a reminder to book an appointment at a later date (“recall”). Please contact us if you expect to have an appointment and we have not contacted you, or if you need to change the appointment date.
  • In all cases, it is important to tell the clinic if you change your address or contact details.

Androfeme testosterone cream prescriptions
  • This is not funded and only available through Bays Pharmacy who can courier throughout New Zealand:
  •  see Bays Pharmacy website for information.

  • Blood tests and other investigations are tools with limitations that need to be ordered in the correct context and interpreted by a practitioner with the appropriate training in order to be useful and to reduce the likelihood of false negatives and false positive tests. False negatives may falsely reassure, and false positives can start a path to unnecessary and possibly invasive investigation if the test appears outside of the quoted normal range.
  • If you would like a particular test to be undertaken it is best to discuss this in an appointment so that the appropriate tests for the context can be requested.

What if I want tests that my doctor has not suggested?
You can send up to 3 short questions per medical email. Some questions are not suitable for email advice, and you will be directed to bring forward your follow up appointment or book a phone consultation.

Please put the name of your ERH doctor in the subject line so that the question can be directed to the appropriate doctor. 

The medical email service is to provide answers to brief medical questions between appointments and does not take the place of the review that takes place during appointments, nor does it take the place of care with your GP who will continue to be responsible for your overall medical care.

We will aim to respond to your email within a week, but this could sometimes take longer at times of high workload. You will be invoiced upon answering of your email.

What to expect in an ERH Associates specialised GP appointment
Are supplements/herbal remedies a good idea?
  •  Vitamins such as folate and B12 and minerals such as iron are sometimes medically indicated, usually under the guidance of a doctor to ensure proper dosing. 
  • Some other considerations apply to other supplements and herbal remedies. Whilst it always your choice what decisions you make for your health, our general approach to non-prescription supplements and herbal remedies as conventional doctors of Western medicine is to approach these with caution due to the lack of evidence base. Pharmaceutical medications contain a pure active compounds which have been extensively studied in clinical trials over years to determine the exact doses that are effective and the exact doses that are safe. Supplements/herbal remedies usually arrive on the shelves without such rigorous testing. Furthermore herbal remedies usually contain blends of ingredients measured by weight, so the actual amount of active ingredients is unknown. This lack of certainty around exact contents of these supplements/herbal remedies, around efficacy and safety (including potential for interaction with medication) is why we do not usually recommend these.

How to raise a concern/make a complaint