Managing Menopause

Health Professionals Course

Part 1: The Basics 

recognise A range of menopausal symptoms

get an overview of treatment options available 

find out when to refer to a specialist or specialist GP 

help women to access effective support even if you are not planning to prescribe menopausal treatments yourself

Subcribe to part 1

ready to level up? 

Are you ready to learn what challenges menopausal and perimenopausal women face and how to help them? 

Part 2: The Prescribers Extension Course

Are you interested in updating your skills in prescribing hormonal and non-hormonal treatments for menopausal symptoms and managing bone health and other health concerns that affect perimenopausal and menopausal women?

prescribe a range of MHT regimes confidently and understand the rationale behind the prescribing

learn what to do in an initial menopause consult

find out to cover in a follow-up consult

discover practical tips from the ERH endocrinologists

recognise risk factors and know when to refer

Subcribe to part 2

Why upskill in menopause management?

We have excellent education around puberty and care during pregnancy. Menopause is also a normal stage of life where as health professionals we have an important role to play in helping women to stay healthy and feeling well.

 Yet until recently, in many cultures, menopause wasn’t commonly talked about, let alone in a positive way, leading to many women being hesitant to present with menopausal symptoms or even not realising their severe symptoms of low mood, irritability, brain fog, premenstrual symptoms or fatigue, premenstrual for example, were related to the menopausal transition.
This has lead to  

 menopause being an extremely difficult and isolating time for many. 

And that's why we've created this course.

Perimenopause and menopause are being increasingly discussed in the media, on social media and in social circles. We are seeing a rapid increase in women presenting with questions around the menopausal transition and  wanting to know their treatment options.

For some of us, our medical school education in these topics was some time ago, and the scientific information available is also moving quickly.  You may be wondering what we should be considering when caring for patients the menopausal transition in 2023 and beyond…

But things are changing fast!

A note from your course instructors

In this course we share...

key evidence-based information and international standard practices as well as practical prescribing tips and strategies from our extensive clinical experience in menopause care as a team. This course is designed to compliment and extend the Te Whatu Ora Health pathways.  You don't need to be familiar with these pathways to take this course. 

We are excited to be hosting this course in our new App, to deliver you a learning experience that is convenient, interactive and modern

The ERH Associates

We hope that it will enable you to feel confident, empowered and positive about helping your patients to navigate the transition to the next phase of life that is menopause.


“I wish my mother had told me about menopause”

Many women feel unprepared for the menopausal transition and crave support and guidance during and even in preparation for this stage of life. 

PAtient Communication

“Finally, I feel like myself again!”

Managing menopause can be very rewarding!  We hear comments like this all the time.  Menopausal symptoms can be debilitating for many, but good treatment can be transformative.

Patient communication on MHT

the details

How it Works

You can access the course App via your phone, ipad or computer. We suggest completing 1 module per week and expect this might take around 1 hour per week, however you are free to progress through the modules at your own pace.

 a video to watch 

a workbook to read and fill in 

Sign up here

  Each module will include:

We have included summaries of key learning points, knowledge quizzes, case-examples, and space for your own reflections and notes, and recommendations for further reading. 

ASk ERH Live online Workshops

Your annual subscription will include access to our 3 monthly online workshops were you can request our Endocrinologists to cover various topics in more detail, ask clinical questions and discuss tricky cases.    

Managing Menopause

Course Outline

Part 1: The Basics 

Module 1: The menopause experience for women

ready to level up? 


Common symptoms, what patients can expect in the menopausal transition, cultural perspectives and health issues in midlife for women

Module 2: Less recognised presentations

A deep dive into the wide range of symptoms and associated health issues that can be related to menopause including, brain fog and brain health, depression and a change of mental health conditions, premenstrual syndromes, fatigue, migraines in the perimenopause.

Module 3: Overview of treatment options available

An overview of both menopausal hormone therapy, non hormone alternatives and bioidentical hormones.  What you could recommend for your patients and when.  

Module 4: Genitourinary symptoms and libido

Many women are reluctant to discuss symptoms like vaginal dryness, urinary frequency and low libido even with their doctors, so it’s good to ask! In this module, learn what to ask, how to navigate these conversations and what treatments are helpful and available.  

Managing Menopause

Course Outline

Part 2: Prescribers Extension Course

Module 1: The initial consultation

ready to level up? 


Module 2 . Initiating MHT or non-hormonal treatment

How to choose the right starting regime for your patient's needs and risk profile, setting expectations and explaining potential adverse effects.  When and how to start MHT in women who are still menstruating.  Learn the rationale and scientific evidence behind the guidelines.

How long to make an initial menopause appointment, what to cover, and a handy consultation checklist template to keep you on track.

Module 3: The Follow-Up Appointment

When to follow-up, what to look for, and troubleshooting for common issues.

Module 4: Tricky cases

When to refer on including for high risk circumstances,  refractory symptoms, and low bone density and what your patient can expect in their specialist consultation.
What to do about women who are progesterone sensitive.  How to manage women presenting already taking bioidentical hormones.  

The Basics  

You're a health practitioner who works with women of or approaching menopausal age


You're keen to be pro-active in empowering women to recognise and get support for menopausal issues


 $97 NZD for 1 year access to Part 1: The Basics
course materials.  

The Basics Subscription is right for you


*You can upgrade from "The Basics Subscription to the Managing Menopause Bundle for an additional $557 NZD

Managing Menopause Bundle 

You are a doctor willing to complete both parts of the course and 

You are interested in learning to prescribe medications for menopausal management 



The Bundle is right for you

$797 1 year access, access to Part 1 and Part 2 of the course content as well as an  online Q&A group workshop with the ERH Endocrinologists 


Managing Menopause

Doctors Course



Launching in 2024

Subscribe to the waitlist below and be the first to know when the App is live and the course available!

*Joining the class will subscribe you to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you regarding this event. 

You are also very welcome to invite your patient to consider taking our our app-based
 “Empowered Menopause” course which is designed to support and complement the care that they receive from you.

 Info HERE →